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This playbook was created by Resolve to Save Lives, an initiative of Vital Strategies.
Resolve to Save Lives is an initiative of Vital Strategies, a leading global public health organization and a trusted partner of governments and civil society organizations around the world.
We help governments strengthen their public health systems to contend with the most important and difficult health challenges. We bring the best of public health thinking to design solutions that can scale rapidly and improve lives.
The Prevent Epidemics team from Resolve to Save Lives is committed to making the world safer from epidemics.
As COVID-19 spreads around the world, the Prevent Epidemics and Vital Strategies teams serve as timely experts and honest brokers in supporting governments and civil society organizations around the world in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic
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LIVING DOCUMENT This playbook is a “living”, dynamic document. Global knowledge pertaining to COVID-19 is rapidly evolving. Feedback and suggestions can be sent to covid19-ct@vitalstrategies.org.
Last updated